In the latest edition of ‘Thailand Only’, next month sees a running event like no other: The Fat Run.
Claiming to be for all fitness levels, the 5K event will be held in Lumpini Park on 10 July at 6am, and is hoping to encourage those of a lower fitness level (and higher body fat percentage level) to throw caution to the wind and get fit.
Participants will be split into running groups according to their BMI:
- Healthy (23-24.9)
- Overweight (25-29.9)
- Obese (30 +)
Because there’s nothing more encouraging to those with body hang-ups than to be segregated by weight…
Thailand Only.
And it gets better. Runners can buy a jazzy t-shirt to commemorate their efforts and involvement in the 2016 Fat Run.
Here, you can see the shirt — emblazoned with a cartoon fat man running with a soda — modelled by an Adonis-esque mannequin:
Lovely stuff.
Those that manage to complete the run can find themselves furnished with a natty new medal – adorned with engravings of a burger, cupcake and pizza slice.
Definitely something to hang proudly around your neck, put on display in your home and show your Grandma.

via Facebook
According to Coconuts, the Facebook event page for the Fat Run concludes with the message that,
Afterwards you can eat whatever you want. We are going to be strong piggies!
Who’s up for it?
Find out more on the Fat Run’s Facebook page and Facebook event.