From Moving To A Farm In Isaan To The Best Street Food In Bangkok

Happy Sunday, Bangkok!

We are well into the swing of 2017 by now and Thailand is reliably delivering on the news front already.

What with the confusion of the will-they-won’t-they elections, the horror of a gruesome murder for an iPhone 7 and some pretty horrendous flooding in parts of the South, it’s been quite the week in Thailand. All this was compounded by the final reveal of the death statistics from road accidents over the New Year holiday: a sadly record breaking 426 deaths over the 6 day period.

That’s not all that’s been entertaining and enraging Bangkok this week — here’s the best of the week’s news, views, videos and social media updates…


Tourist attacked by croc after trying to pose with it for selfie

You know we’ve reached peak-ridiculous when news emerges of a tourist injured by a crocodile bite after getting too close when trying to capture the perfect selfie. The 47-year old French tourist slipped as she approached a pond in Khao Yai National Park, leaving herself exposed to the croc’s gnashers. Apparently, there is plenty of signage warning visitors of the crocodiles and advising them to stick to the trail.

Baby elephant has hydrotherapy in Pattaya after being caught in snare

This is the heartwarming story (with accompanying video) of Fah Jam the baby Thai elephant who badly injured her foot in an animal snare, and is now healing with her handlers in a hydrotherapy pool in Pattaya. It’s expected she’ll need around 2 months of treatment as she currently can’t put any weight on the injured leg.

Brit backpackers make the most of the flooding in Koh Samui…

Thailand’s South is currently suffering from epic flooding but not everyone is letting it get them down. Two British backpackers were spotted sailing around Samui in the dirty floodwater on their pool floats, while another Farang laid back with a beer and a selfie stick in the less-than-appealing looking surroundings.

Whatever floats your boat…


The ultimate guide to Bangkok street food

There are more than a few blog posts floating about advising on where to get Bangkok’s best street food (as well as ours on the best street food in Sukhumvit…) but this one from Expique is one of the most comprehensive we’ve seen. Categorised by dish, they pinpoint the best haunts for each throughout the city.

*Best not to read this one on an empty stomach.

Soi 8 unlikely to become nightlife hub any time soon

Stickboy reports on the news that a new licensing law aiming to restrict alcohol licences in the vicinity of the Wannawit School is likely to dampen any ambitions concerning transforming Soi 8 into Sukhumvit’s latest entertainment spot. There are already some bars and restaurants along this sleepy street and the author argues potential is huge thanks to the number of condos and hotels also found here.

Of course, whether Sukhumvit wants or needs another nightlife hub is another argument entirely. We like the relative quiet of Soi 8 in comparison to some of its more rowdy neighbours, but it would be a shame if the new licensing adversely affects any of the current establishments.

49 annoying things about living in Bangkok

We love a pithy listicle and this one about the most annoying things about living in Bangkok delivers. Including such gems as having to give up your BTS seat to every damn child who comes across you, having to sign every page of a contract and, of course, the horror that is Wong’s, you’re sure to find something you agree with here.

Forum Threads

The considerations of moving to a farm house in Isaan

This is an interesting Reddit thread on things westerners should consider before making a move to Isaan with their Thai partners. The original poster has decided to move to a farm house in the region with his wife in a few years’ time and asks for realistic opinions on the matter. Responses range from westerners who’ve made the move themselves and recommend the decision, to others more cautious who warn about the status of being the ‘richest farang in the village’ to the often disappointing realities of being a farmer.

What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you in Thailand?

A fun Thaivisa thread on the weird and wonderful things that seem to happen on an almost daily basis in old Siam. Ranging from one night in Bangkok high on LSD, a drunken funeral party with the body of the dead grandma in the corner of the room and various lost in translation encounters with taxi drivers to receiving an unsolicited shoulder massage while peeing, having your girlfriend agree to you getting another girlfriend and 15 million baht gambles on pokdeng.

Our favourite:

thaivisa forum




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And that’s been The Week On Sukhumvit — see you next time!


Featured image is by mattmangum (CC BY 2.0 licence)



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Staff Writer for What's On Sukhumvit

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