Finding a property to rent or buy in the Sukhumvit area can be… challenging.
Price negotiations, dealing with agents and owners who may not speak great English, not to mention the almost overwhelming amount of houses and apartments available in the area – it’s a recipe for frustration and missed opportunities.
That’s not to say it’s not exciting, however.
There’s nothing like touching down in Bangkok for the first time and being immersed in a whirlwind of viewings.
Not to mention the blissful feeling of how much further your money goes here than at home.
Swimming pool? Check. In-house gym? Check. Amazing views over Bangkok? Double check.
If you want to minimise hassle and negotiation struggles, it’s always advisable to go through an agent or realtor rather than trying to do it yourself directly with the owner.
Sure, you may save yourself a few baht that way, but it’s difficult to put a price on your time and stress levels when it comes to finding that perfect Bangkok pad.
An agent will negotiate on your behalf, sort out the contract and iron out any niggles you may have when you first move in.
There are a huge number of property agents out there operating in the Sukhumvit area, all with reams of inventory at your disposal.
It’s pretty difficult for individual agencies to stand out when there are so many offering such similar products on the same business models.
Enter SiriSpace.

Siri Thamwiset, Founder
Spearheaded by Siri Thamwiset, SiriSpace is the first real estate agency to offer you cashback when you sign on the dotted line.
So when you sign up for a rental lease or buy a property through the site, you receive a wad of cash right back into your pocket.
You’ll receive it immediately as it comes straight out of the agent’s commission and you can spend it however you damn please.
Some furniture, perhaps? A long weekend at the beach? Or – even better – a housewarming party!
The site has inventory throughout Sukhumvit as well as other pockets of Bangkok like Sathorn and Rama IX, ranging from luxury condos and townhouses to lower-priced studios and one-beds.
One aspect of using an agent that many expats shy away from is the idea that the agent will be taking a commission from whatever fee is negotiated. SiriSpace offers a compromise: the service of an agent combined with a cash lump sum for you to spend as you see fit.
Check out their site and Facebook page if you’re looking for Bangkok property to rent, buy or even take over a lease for.
Good luck with your search!
P.S. Don’t forget to invite us to the housewarming…