New Google Update Makes It Easier To Write Thai

When it comes to mastering the language, Thai is hard.

Speaking it can be difficult. Reading it is harder. Writing it is a slow and possibly painful slog, at least as a non-native speaker.

For those with some reading skills who want to speed up the pace of their writing online, a new update from Google may be what you’ve been waiting for.

And no, we’re not talking about Google Translate.

According to The Next Weba new update to Google Input Tools allows you to type Thai words phonetically using Latin characters — ‘Karaoke Thai’, if you will. The tool will then allow you to pick the right word from a choice of words in Thai script.

If you make any spelling mistakes, the tool is sophisticated enough to suggest correct spellings and it will maintain a custom dictionary for any new words and names it learns.

Helpfully, it works both online and offline too.

Here it is in action:

If you’re feeling more confident, you can even practice your writing skills by using the Google Input Tools virtual Thai keyboard, which has been around for a few years now.

You can find the tool here and even try it out. It is downloadable as an extension to the Chrome browser and for Windows.

Best of all, it’s free!


Image is in the public domain



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Staff Writer for What's On Sukhumvit

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